La idea, en principio, era hacerla tapizada, si bien había visto telas, no sabía con certeza, cuál sería la adecuada...el tiempo pasaba y nada...
decidí hacerla yo misma, sólo usando una madera que será el respaldo y un poco de pintura, ya tienes un toque decorativo, y un punto focal para determinar la decoración restante en tu habitación.
Manos a la obra!! ir al DIY
How important it is to have a backup! at least for Feng Shui, to feed the wealth and security, who sleeps there.
The idea in principle was to make upholstered fabrics but had seen, was not sure, what would be appropriate.
I decided to do it myself, just using a timber that will be supported and some paint, and have a decorative touch, and a focal point to determine the remaining decoration in your room.