En el post de hoy, como verán, la falda tiene flores, con un print bastante "raro" para mi gusto...decidí juntarlo con esa camisa púrpura que había teñido en el DIY de anilina. El resultado: personalmente, creo que quedan muy bien juntos, porque visualmente parecieran complementarse---
La falda, antes de pasar por mis tijeras, era un blusa, la parte del elástico estaba debajo del busto, y tenía un corte poco favorecedor para la forma de mi cuerpo.
Como siempre, las manos inquietas y la creatividad sumada a una necesidad, dan por resultado una buena idea...
As always, restless hands and creativity coupled with a need, result a good idea ...
That one is a little post today, you see, the skirt has flowers with a fairly "rare" print for my taste ... I decided to put it together with that purple shirt was stained in aniline DIY. The result: personally, I think I look great together because visually appear complemented ---
The skirt, before going through my scissors, was a blouse, was part of the elastic under the bust, and had a bit flattering cut for my body shape.
Simplemente, separé la parte elastizada, que ahora es falda, y la verdad, no tuve que hacerle nada, ya que los pespuntes, tenían buena terminación. (un DIY de 5 minutos o menos)
Simply separated the stretch part, now skirt, I did not have to do anything, because the stitching, had good finish. (one DIY 5 minutes or less)
So is then, ideas and more ideas ...
Así es entonces, ideas y más ideas...
La falda, antes de pasar por mis tijeras, era un blusa, la parte del elástico estaba debajo del busto, y tenía un corte poco favorecedor para la forma de mi cuerpo.
Como siempre, las manos inquietas y la creatividad sumada a una necesidad, dan por resultado una buena idea...
As always, restless hands and creativity coupled with a need, result a good idea ...
That one is a little post today, you see, the skirt has flowers with a fairly "rare" print for my taste ... I decided to put it together with that purple shirt was stained in aniline DIY. The result: personally, I think I look great together because visually appear complemented ---
The skirt, before going through my scissors, was a blouse, was part of the elastic under the bust, and had a bit flattering cut for my body shape.
Simplemente, separé la parte elastizada, que ahora es falda, y la verdad, no tuve que hacerle nada, ya que los pespuntes, tenían buena terminación. (un DIY de 5 minutos o menos)
Simply separated the stretch part, now skirt, I did not have to do anything, because the stitching, had good finish. (one DIY 5 minutes or less)
So is then, ideas and more ideas ...
- combine with dull colors or rare prints for "lift your mood"
- cut, transform and create a new garment from another
- conjuntar colores con prints aburridos o raros para "levantar el ánimo"
- cortar, transformar y crear una nueva prenda, a partir de otra