Menta al Agua...

Y, como siempre digo, hay que saber parar y relajar, tomarse un heladito, o un café, y darnos cuenta de que la carrera loca por cumplir con todo, nos puede pasar factura y es mejor ,serenarse...(también me lo digo a mi misma...)
Aguamarina o Menta, dilema aparte, el color es el mismo...y es muy alegre y sentador!!
Es un color , que queda bien con todo, con rayas, con negro, con blanco, con otros pasteles como hoy, junto al color manteca o marfil...
En el weekend look de hoy, llevo:
*jeans blancos que ya conocen
*camiseta con tachas color mantequilla
*chaleco-cardigan color menta ( DIY-- ex camiseta, lo abrí al medio y le coloqué botones, era de corte imperio)
*zuecos de madera con tachas DIY
*muchas pulseras
Water Mint ...
When I see this color, I associate with ice cream ... mmmm! yummy! Even though I do not like mint ... I like ice cream and therefore I associate with my mother the other day who invited me take one with my little girl ... (It was ice cream "espress" because my daughter got me to trotting!) had fun, talked of life, fashion, motherhood and those many, girly things that occupy us day by day, for this huge task of membership of, this group called WOMEN .
And, as I always say, you have to know how to stop and relax, take a ice creams, or coffee, and realize that the mad rush to fulfill everything we can pass bill and is better, to calm ... (also say to myself ...)
Aqua and Mint dilemma aside, the color is the same ... and is very cheerful and flattering!
It is a color that goes with anything, striped with black, white, with other cakes like today, next to the color butter or ivory ...
The weekend look today, I've:
* white jeans that already know
* butter-colored shirt with studs
* mint green cardigan vest (DIY - ex shirt, opened in the middle and I placed buttons, was empire cut)
*studded wooden clogs DIY
* many bracelets
Espero pronto, encontrarme con mis amigas también ,para llenarme de risas y energía!
Eso si, mejor que traigan el postre!!
Buen fin de semana!! Rían mucho y descansen más!! Nos vemos!;)
I hope, soon, to meet me with my friends too, to fill me with laughter and energy!
but they bring the dessert!
Have a good weekend! Laugh a lot and rest more! See you;)
Y uds, ¿qué gustos de helados prefieren?? ¿les gusta el verde menta?
¿improvisan pausas para descansar?
And you, what ice cream tastes prefer? Do you like the mint green?
Improvise Rest breaks?