En fin...qué les puedo contar? Fue una semana con muchas cosas, entre ellas, buscar el resto de las ropas de abrigo, jajaja...se vino con todo el pre-invierno!!
Mi look del fin de semana, es muy sencillo, pero práctico,
- jeans negros o pantalones de gabardina,
- botas cortas
- y un jersey, color off -white, o tiza...
más abrigadito, no puede ser!!!
What I quickly spent the week!
tell you that the cold came with everything, and one hand is nice to do things "inside" but it always gives me little pain, for the people who do not have a decent place to live. One does not notice that ... but we must be very grateful for that.
Anyway ... what can I tell you? It was a week with many things, including looking the other warm clothes, lol ... it came with all the pre-winter!
Myweekend look is very simple, but practical, black jeans or coat, short boots and a sweater, color off-white or chalk ...
more abrigadito can not be!
Friends, I wish you very good weekend, relax and enjoy! we read!;)
Amigos, les deseo muy buen fin de semana, descansen y disfruten!!! nos leemos!!;)